Saturday, May 27, 2006

Kohanim Are Kodesh Kodashim: Why?

Parshas Bamidbar, 3:1

These are the generations of Aharon and Moshe
Rashi: Only the children of Aharon are mentioned. They are called the children of Moshe because he taught them Torah. This teaches that anyone who teaches the children of his fellowman is considered as if he fathered them.

The Ramban says that the Kohanim became kodesh kodashim, holy of holies or most holy at Sinai. The Leviyim were made holy later on in the desert.

This idea is supported and developed by the Ramban in many places in his Commentary on the Torah.

Rav Dovid Cohen asks of the Ramban:
The holy should come before the most holy. Holy should precede most holy. You have to have holy before you can have most holy. Why is most holy first?


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