Friday, July 28, 2006

Yetzias Mitzrayim: Because God Loved Bnai Yisrael or Hated Them?

Va’teirognu ve’oholeichem va’to’mru be’sinas Hashem o’sonu hotzianu me’eretz mitzrayim la’ses o’sonu be’yad ho’emori le’hashmideinu

And you murmured in your tents, and said, Because the Lord hated us, he has brought us out of the land of Egypt, to deliver us into the hand of the Amorites, to destroy us.
--Devarim 1:27

How could Bnai Yisrael think that Hashem hated them? They were slaves, worked to the bone and experienced other tortures and horrors. Then, they were taken out of Egypt with miracles to cross the Red Sea and receive the Torah. Are things like that bad or done out of hatred?

The Chafetz Chaim explained (as related by Reb Velvel Soloveitchik) that when the Communist revolution took place in Russia many Jews were happy and looked forward to better times. But after some time they realized this was not any better for the Jews than the Czar. The Chafetz Chaim said this does not mean that it had to be bad for the Jews. Rather, this is the way of God in the world. It might have been good depending on the behavior of Klal Yisrael. If they deserved, it would have been good. If not, it was turned into something bad.

So, also, in our pasuk: Bnai Yisrael felt if they deserved it to be good, it would have been good for them. If it was turning out bad, it was a sign they did not deserve yetzias mitzrayim as a reward. Therefore, at this moment of despondency they legitimately thought, leaving Egypt could lead to their destruction.
--from Bad Kodesh, A Collection of Chidushim on the Torah said by R. Barukh Dov Povarsky, Ponivezher Rosh Yeshiva

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