Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Letters Beis in Breishis and Alef in Anokhi Hashem

I came across a very interesting piece in the Midrash Aseres Hadibros that explains why the Torah starts with Beis and no other letter in the alefbeis including the Alef. The full, deeper meaning of this midrash still eludes me but, I believe, is memorable enough to note here. Perhaps, someone who reads this here can help enlighten us on the deeper meaning.

When God was about to create the world by His word the twenty-two letters of the alphabet descended from the terrible and august crown of God whereon they were engraved with a pen of flaming fire.
They stood round about God, and one after the other spoke and entreated, " Create the world through me ! "
The first to step forward was the letter Tav. It said: "O Lord of the world! May it be Your will to create Your world through me, seeing that it is through me that You will give the Torah to Israel by the hand of Moshe, as it is written, ' Moshe commanded us the Torah.' " The Holy One, blessed be He, made reply, and said, " No ! " Tav asked, " Why not ? " and God answered: " Because in days to come I shall place you as a sign of death upon the foreheads of men." As soon as Taw heard these words issue from the mouth of the Holy One, blessed be He, it retired from His presence disappointed.

The Shin then stepped forward, and pleaded: " O Lord of the world, create Your world through me, seeing that Your own name Shaddai begins with me." Unfortunately, it is also the first letter of Shav, lie, and of Sheker, falsehood, and that incapacitated it.
Resh had no better luck. It was pointed out that it was the initial letter of Ra', wicked, and Rasha', evil, and after that the distinction it enjoys of being the first letter in the Name of God, Rahum, the Merciful, counted for naught.
The Kuf was rejected, because Kelalah, curse, outweighs the advantage of being the first in Kadosh, the Holy One.
In vain did Tzadde call attention to Tzaddik, the Righteous One; there was Tzarot, the misfortunes of Israel, to testify against it.
Pe had Podeh, redeemer, to its credit, but Pesha', transgression, reflected dishonor upon it.
'Ain was declared unfit, because, though it begins 'Anavah, humility, it performs the same service for 'Ervah, immorality.
Samekh said: " O Lord, may it be Your will to begin the creation with me, for You are called Samekh, after me, the Upholder of all that fall." But God said: " You are needed in the place in which you are; you must continue to uphold all that fall."
Nun introduces Ner, " the lamp of the Lord," which is " the spirit of men," but it also introduces Ner, " the lamp of the wicked," which will be put out by God.
Mem starts Melekh, king, one of the titles of God. As it is the first letter of Mehumah, confusion, as well, it had no chance of accomplishing its desire.
The claim of Lamed bore its refutation within itself. It advanced the argument that it was the first letter of Luchos, the celestial tables for the Ten Commandments; it forgot that the tables were shattered into pieces by Moses.
Kaf was sure of victory. Kisseh, the throne of God, Kavod, His honor, and Keser, His crown, all begin with it. God had to remind it that He would smite together His hands, Kaf, in despair over the misfortunes of Israel.
Yod at first sight seemed the appropriate letter for the beginning of creation, on account of its association with Ya' , God, if only Yezer ha-Ra', the evil inclination, had not happened to begin with it, too.
Tes is identified with Tov, the good. However, the truly good is not in this world; it belongs to the world to come.
Hes is the first letter of Hanun, the Gracious One; but this advantage is offset by its place in the word for sin, Hattas.
Zayin suggests Zakhor, remembrance, but it is itself the word for weapon, the doer of mischief.
Vav and He compose the Ineffable Name of God; they are therefore too exalted to be pressed into the service of the mundane world.
If Daled had stood only for Davar, the Divine Word, it would have been used, but it stands also for Din, justice, and under the rule of law without love the world would have fallen to ruin.
Finally, in spite of reminding one of Gadol, great, Gimel would not do, because Gemul, retribution, starts with it.
After the claims of all these letters had been disposed of, Beis stepped before the Holy One, blessed be He, and pleaded before Him: " O Lord of the world ! May it be Your will to create Your world through me, seeing that all the dwellers in the world give praise daily unto You through me, as it is said, 'Blessed be the Lord forever. Amen, and Amen.' " The Holy One, blessed be He, at once granted the petition of Beis. He said, " Blessed be he that comes in the name of the Lord." And He created His world through Beis, as it is said, " Bereishis God created the heaven and the earth."
The only letter that had refrained from urging its claims was the modest Alef, and God rewarded it later for its humility by giving it the first place in the Decalogue, Anokhi Hashem Elokekha.


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