Sunday, June 25, 2006

Aramaic for He Sprinkled Like a Whip: Ke'matzlif or Ke'me'na'gad'na

The Gemara in Yoma 15a says:

…But let him sprinkle one so as to constitute two below, as is prescribed for a burnt-offering and two separate sprinklings above as is prescribed for sin-offerings? — We do not find that any blood is sprinkled, half above, and half below. Not indeed? Have we not learnt: He sprinkled thereof once upwards, and seven times downwards? That was done ke'mazlif’ [like the movement of swinging a whip]. What does ‘ke'mazlif’ mean? Rab Judah showed it by [imitating the movements of] a lasher, ke'me'na'gad'na.

Targum Yonasan (Devarim 25:3): on the words, arbaim yakenu, 40 lashes shall be given translates: arbain yatzleif.

In the Vilna Shas there is a comment in between the margins of the Gemara and Tosafos that points to the above Targum, but says yitzlof.

There is another source in the Targum Yonasan ( Tehillim 74:5): on the words, yi'va'da' ke'mei've le'ma'lah bi'se'vakh 'etz kar'du'mos, They are known as swingers of axes in the thick forest, translates, ke'mei've le'ma'lah as yatz'leif viz. he swings.


Anonymous said...

I heard from Rabbi Dr. Tawil that kimatzlif actually means, "like a cross." Just an interesting tidbit.

Ben Rambam said...

That is interesting. That means the feh and the veis are interchangeable. The shoresh tzadi lamed veis means a cross.