Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Elul: Intro to the Psychology of Teshuvah

The arrival of Elul raises questions in man’s mind:
Where do I begin?
How do I enter the realm of teshuvah?

Elul is known as an acronym for ani l’dodi v’dodi li.
A Jew must believe: ani l’dodi v’dodi li, I am for my beloved and my beloved is for me.
We are the children of God and He has chosen us as His people.

Visualize an open door. This is the gate through which we enter the realm of teshuvah. This is the entrance to the New Year.

A Jew must believe that no matter where he is, no matter what state he is in, he is not lost…all the doors are open before him to return to his beloved Father.

Ani l’dodi v’dodi li – this is the opening to teshuvah for all Jews, no matter where they are.
--The Slonimer Rebbe, Nesivos Shalom (Devarim p. 93)

1 comment:

Ben Rambam said...

Yes, his drush is based on the acronym for ani l'dodi...Elul.

K'siva v'cha'sima tova.