Monday, September 04, 2006

Rambam on Exercise, Dieting and Lashon Hara’

Anyone who sits around idle and does not exercise will be subject to physical discomforts and failing strength, even though he eats wholesome food and takes care of himself in accordance with medical advice. Overeating is like deadly poison to the human body. Most illnesses which befall man arise either from bad food or excessive eating of good food. Shlomo, in his wisdom said: shomer piv u’l’shono shomer me’tzaros nafsho, “He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself clear of trouble” (Mishlei 21:23). That is to say, he who guards his mouth from bad food and excessive eating, and keeps his tongue from unnecessary talk keeps himself clear of trouble.
--Dei’os, 4:15

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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